Sunday, March 28, 2010

Marley ....

Well, me and Adam put alot thinking of what kind of dog to get? We decided on Lab's. We looked everywhere. Adam found Marley on craiglist. He is a AKC Breed dog. Well he is register as that. His parents are breeders. He is so cute. I told Adam he could choose the sex and color. Adam and Marley are best buds. Marley follows Adam through the hole house. It is cute. It is therapy for Adam I think he likes him alot. Last nite was our first nite with him but man, I had Adam hanging on me then Marley hanging on my legs. I felt trapped Lol. But I am glad we got him. Adam and him like to play ball and hang out.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Glowing Bike

So, Adam has a LED light system on his bike where he can change the lighting on it. It is really cool. My favorite color is purple.

New House...


Back yard
Side of the house

Front of the house...